What I’ve been up to: Researching the Bank of England

22 10 2011

The past week of classes was both hellish and satisfying: hellish because I had to contend with multiple midterms, a paper, and multiple technological meltdowns (it all seems to go at once, doesn’t it?), but satisfying because I feel like actually learned something useful for once–at least if you consider knowing a lot about the Bank of England useful.

I think I need to do some field research. You know, to make sure I have my facts in order.

I’ve attached the paper below your erudition; my goal is to use this report, which I only had a few days to write, as a rough draft for a much longer piece critical of central banks with a focus on the funding of government war and welfare-state debt. I had a lot of fund doing some independent research (made possible by the stack of books loaned to me by University of Detroit Mercy’s Harry Veryser) and hope to do more work in this vein over the next few months.

Here’s the PDF: Financing Empire



2 responses

29 12 2011
E. Varney

You have stimulated my curiosity to learn more about our Federal Reserve system. Your economics/history combo of studies serves you well.
Ellie V.

2 01 2012
Graham Kozak

I’m glad you’re looking into it; the Federal Reserve system seems to be taken as a given by nearly everyone, up to and including economists. If you’d like a relatively brief overview on the rise of central banks, including the Bank of England and our Federal Reserve System, you might look at Vera C. Smith’s “The Rationale of Central Banking.”

That book (actually a dissertation) is available here in several formats:


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